space space

The Adventures of Harley

Autor/in:Jim Deacove
Verlag:Family Pastimes
Preis:US$ 14.95
Anzahl Spieler:1-6
Altersgruppe:ab 5 Jahre
Spieldauer:20 Minuten
Englische Rezensionen:EFUN
Informationen:BoardGameGeek (EN)
Bezugsquellen:EFUN (EN)
Kommentar:Thema: kooperatives Spiel
Pressetext:Our farm dog, Harley. runs so fast that cars have to chase him. He also has a great sense of humor and likes to hide, then later bring back, our Favorite Things. While rocketing around the Fields & Woods, he often meets other creatures who give him many thrilling times! In this game, we all help Harley find & bring back Home as many of the Favorite Things as we can. But he will have to look out for fellow prowlers such as the Bear, Raccoon, Skunk, Porcupine & some nasty Briar Patches. We may have to call in the Vet!
Material:Board 12 x 12 inches
Rules for Easy & Hard Games
Dog House Card
Favorite Things
Bark & Sniff Card
Harley Mover
Letzte Änderung:16.08.07

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